Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Lindie!!

Our little princess turned one today!! I'm still in denial and can't believe it's been a year! Lindie is the sweetest little thing and we are so happy that she is part of our little family! What a joy and blessing she has been this past year (even through the 5 months of colic and thrush! Ha!). We celebrated her birthday on Saturday with some family and a few friends and Lindie had a great time digging into her cake, opening presents, and playing with some of her little friends. Unfortunately, today, her actual birthday, she got sick and spent most of the day sleeping. Poor thing. Daddy also had to spend all day at work and all night in the field, so we went up and had dinner with him so he could see her on her birthday (especially important since he will be missing the next one). One of the other exciting moments of the weekend: turning her carseat around! Lindie was so happy to finally stretch and kick her little legs freely (as they have gotten quite long) and she didn't stop giggling the whole car trip (about 15 mins!). I really wish I could've recorded her squeals cause it was just too cute!
Great-Grandma Lucy (aka Meme) during LJ's party.
"What do you want me to do again?"
"Umm. Yumm."
"Ok, this is really good and I need a bigger mouth..."
I know she's my daughter cause she went to the Vicky C's bag first! ;)
Dinner with Daddy. Tried to get a cute pic of LJ all day, but this seriously was the best one.


Blackberry Bratt said...

Happy Birthday Lindie! You looks SO tall! Your momma wasn't joking about LONG legs...

Chris, you're going to have fun looking up to tell her a thing or too when she hits her teens and gets all sassy!