Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy USMC Anniversary!!

On Monday, August 18th, Scott "celebrated" his 10 year mark with the United States Marine Corps! I say "celebrated" because in traditional Marine Corps (Infantry) style he was at work all day long (6am to 7:30pm). So, I thought I'd share his commitment and accomplishment with family and friends to help him "celebrate"! I know I'm extremely proud of him and all that he has done and everything he is doing to make the USMC better (I know I'm biased, but he really is a Marine Corps stud! If you ever get to read his military bio, it's really impressive!). I get to see on a first hand basis what he sacrifices and how passionate he is about his Marines and their training. Believe me, the kids and I don't always come before his Marines, but I get it and understand, even if I don't always like it! But, that's what comes with being a military family, especially being married to a Marine like Scott. There's a reason the Marine Corps motto is "The Few. The Proud. The Marines." and Scott is a perfect example of the few and the proud! Way to go, Scott!


Kathy said...

Oorah!, Congratulations, 10 years is a long time.

Alisa said...

Congrats to Scott!! He is an awesome Marine. And behind every awesome Marine is an AWESOME Marine wife!!