Friday, June 27, 2008

And life returns to normal?

Normal. I've decided that our household will never be normal. Especially as long as Scott is active duty. It's been so great having Scott back home! The kids love playing with him and I love getting my hugs and kisses whenever I want, but it comes with considerable readjustment! Poor Scott has to deal with me, who has been making all the decisions, calling all the shots, handling all the finances, running the kids on a tight schedule, and being the sole parent. I want to give up some of this load (believe me I do!!) but I've learned that my Marine husband needs a SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) manual and for me to do a thorough brief on it with him. And, if it's not accompanied with an Order written in LOI format or on a PowerPoint presentation, he won't get it anyway! Darn Marine Corps. It's been kinda hard to "train" him since he had to go straight back to work once he got home and they've kept him busy. He was made the XO (Executive Officer) for his company (1/5 Alpha) and he's been running around for the past three weeks working 70+ hours, which means I've barely seen him and when I do he's usually crashed out on the couch! I'm just thankful that he's at least home on our couch instead of on a coffin rack out at sea. :) So, now is when the fun starts...Scott started his three week leave today (if you count 4pm as "starting" leave)! I have already scheduled a bunch of things for us to go do, including the usual things like Sea World, Legoland, The San Diego County Fair, and hitting the beach. We're also heading out to Las Vegas for a week so I can attend IDEA World Fitness Conference! I'm soooo excited! It's a full week of classes and workout sessions and fitness demos and everything related to fitness and exercise! Now, while I'm in class all day re-engaging my brain, Scott is going to have both kids all to himself! I don't think Scott has ever even had to take care of Brennen longer then a couple of hours, and that was back when he was 10 months old. So it should be interesting to see how he does with a 9 mo old and a 2 yr old. ;) We're also planning on getting Brennen potty trained after we get back from Vegas. I've already stocked up on paper towels, rubber gloves, and sanitizer. It should be a very interesting month for us...

Since it's been awhile since I've gotten on here I thought I'd post a couple of pics from the past couple of weeks:

Scott's first time giving both kids a bath!
Playing with Daddy before bed.
Brennen loves to swordfight and makes Scott wear the whole getup to play.
Lindie wanted in on the action, too.
A beautiful (HOT) day at the beach.

Lindie walking (with help) for the first time!

Cheesy girl totally enjoyed Panera's.


Fonsecas said...

You're right, darn Marine Corps!!
Our hubbys just don't get it!
Have fun in Vegas!!
And Chris you LOOK GREAT!!

Lori said...

Looks like you're having fun!
Hey Christine, can I get your new address? Thanks. Lori