Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another trip to the Lonely Marines Wives Club

So, I know, I've been a really bad blogger and it's been awhile since I've posted. I've got tons of good excuses, which I know all of you can relate to. Well, there's one excuse that maybe only a few of you will really get, my fellow military wives, whose husbands are always gone.
Scott's gotten to that point where deployment is getting closer and closer and there are more things for him to take care of, to fix, to plan for, marines to train, to discipline, etc., which means more time at work and less at home. He's been putting in 14 to 16 hour work days (Monday thru Friday) giving him enough time to come home and sleep- barely. And those are the weeks that he's in garrison (in the office and not in the field). When he's in the field he's gone for days at a time. Most recently he left for 29 Palms, a vast desert of dirt and mountains, to train for a full five weeks.
I'm not writing all of this to complain, believe me, I had full knowledge of what I was getting into when I married Scott, even though I swore I was done with long-distance relationships!! Ha, God really does have a sense of humor. When I was younger I was in a serious relationship where a majority of it was all long distance. I remember praying about that relationship and if it was something I should stay in and if I should wait for this guy to come home, and I always got the answer to wait. I've always wondered why I kept getting that answer, especially since in the end the relationship didn't work out. So, besides the fact that I did met the man of my dreams and things all worked out for the best (Yay!), I think the Lord had another lesson for me to learn through all that. During this previous relationship, the guy I was waiting for was serving a mission for our church and the only way we could communicate was through letters because it was against the mission rules for him to call home (except for Christmas and Mother's Day). I was a good girlfriend and wrote him letters several times a week, sent packages, and tried to keep him in the loop of my life while he was gone. This covered a space of two full years.
Recently I've been trying to mentally prepare for Scott's deployment to Afghanistan. He's going to be part of the "Spring Surge" going into an area that hasn't been occupied by UN troops. Meaning: he will have no internet access, no phone access, and the only time letters will be delivered/picked up is when they are in need of food/ammo (due to the high threat of IED's on any vehicle transport). Scott is my best friend, my other half, and as many military wives who have survived a deployment know, having that link of communication is what keeps you going. It's what you live for, what you wake up in the morning for, what keeps life some what sane. Hearing Scott's voice is the one thing that is guaranteed to make everything instantly ok. I never thought (especially with all the high tech advances) that my only form of communication with my husband would be through letters. It's funny that I'm now actually thankful that I was in that previous relationship where all I did was write letters. It kinda makes this deployment easier to face cause I know I already "survived" this before (well, except for now it's my Husband, not a boyfriend, and he's going to be in a full on war zone with real ammo being shot at him, and not in a friendly, non-threatening country like Finland- Haha, gotta love reality.)
I'm grateful to know that the Lord is watching over me and always has. I'm so humbled to have this knowledge that He has given me previous guidance and experiences to help when I am faced with harder challenges. I know the challenges haven't really started yet. Scott's training schedule at 29 Palms has been brutal and there's little cell reception, but over the past week and half he's been gone we've been able to talk a couple of minutes here and there. It'll be interesting to see how the kids and I (and Scott!) survive this upcoming deployment. I'm just so thankful to have the gospel in my life and the knowledge that I can and will always be able to turn to the Lord whenever I need to. In the meantime, I'll be another member of the Lonely Marines Wives Club.


Allison said...

You are a good woman Chris! Being apart for a few days is actually sometimes nice in my opinion but I would loose it if I had to handle EVERYTHING for longer than a week.
I hope this next deployment goes quickly for all of you and that your hubby comes home safe and sound! Allison

deannah said...

That is so rough!! When is he leaving? I know nothing replaces Scott or fills that void, but it's nice to have things to do in the meantime. The kids and I would love to come up and visit when you have some time!

Unknown said...

It's interesting what we learn from life, isn't it?

We appreciate what Scott and other men like him are giving up for our country!

Kimi said...

Aw Chris...I'm right there with you. Eric keeps reminding me that this deployment won't be like Iraq. They won't be spoiled like they were there, with phones and internet access. I guess it didn't really hit me until reading your post. Just one more thing to add onto this deployment. Like having only 6 months since the last one wasn't enough...
On a brighter note, Eric is thinking of us going to SD when we leave here next year.

karenjbriggs said...

Chris, I echo Courtney. We are so grateful for all our service men and women. I actually have two big care packages that our Young Women put together. They are just sitting here waiting for an address to send them to. Let me know when he goes and we can send them to him and his guys.

Unknown said...

my dear, my dear! you are an inspiration of strength... i really dont know how i could ever be as strong as you...and i so appreciate your testimony, it will be there for you when you need it!
let me know if you need anything!

Johnny and Eirian said...

Keep strong, sister....I appreciate your words of strength and faith, for sure! When does Scott leave?