Ok, for those of you who are stuck in multiple inches of snow and haven't seen the sun in awhile, I'm forewarning you that this post might create some feelings of jealousy and annoyance. The past couple of days are the reason I never want to leave San Diego. I love San Diego and the number one reason is the weather! No where else in this great country (except for south Florida and Hawaii) can you get weather like this in the middle of winter! Today Oceanside hit a record high of 85 degrees! It has been so absolutely gorgeous outside for the past couple of days that the kids and I have taken several opportunities to enjoy it. On Saturday evening I took the kids to the beach for a sunset picnic and to play in the sand. We had so much fun! (Scott has been in the field for the past 6 days so he's been enjoying the heat with a ton of gear on in the middle of Camp Pendleton with a bunch of dirty stinky Marines! So, poor Scott missed out. :( ) Anyways, thought I'd share some pics of us on the beach in the middle of January! :)
A little slice of heaven!
The stupid seagull that kept trying to steal our food (at one point right out of Lindie's hand- scared the poor girl crazy!) and eventually took off with the whole McD's bag!
My little princess
Even though the pictures don't show a lot of people around, you can see all the people and animal prints that were left behind...
I am so jealous! What a beautiful place to live :) Your kiddo's sure are getting big!
Yummy... that does look nice! We just barely got rid of our snow-- and Allison is getting hammered today if the news is correct!
I was just thinking I should try going to the beach with Addy. Call me next time you go!!
Looks awesome! I'm in Orlando right now and was just thinking how amazing it is to see the sunshine during winter. Cute pics!
What fun. I'm so jealous, as we are having -0 degree temperatures.
I am so jealous!! I am Kim Longos sister and I just looked at your blog. My family and I just moved from San diego last february. I miss the weather there SO much!!! We lived there for 7 years and I cant wait to go back home!
We've been having a rainy spell here for the last few days but the sun is out this morning. I'm thinking of taking Joey out for a nice long walk...
I know we haven't talked for a long time, so I must ask...are you guys gonna go for 3?
Tell Scott that Eric will be with 2/3 (they won't even be home for 9 months, boo). They're at their 2 week training on the big island right now. Then he goes to JTAC school (not sure if that's the right acronymn, but Stew should know what it is, Eric is super excited to go, he gets to drop bombs) in Feb, then straight to CAX. He'll have less than a month here then it's on to the deployment. They should be in country by mid May. I'll let Eric know they'll be close to eachother.
You still selling the galm gals stuff? I feel like it's been forever since we've talked. Eric should be picking up Gunny this year. We're still trying to figure out what to next for the career path. I'm trying to convince him that SD would be a good move. ;)
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