Monday, April 14, 2008

Battered Knees n' Things

A little update: still looking for a house, but the search is going really well. I'm feeling really good about finding something that Scott & I will both be totally happy with. I'm even feeling optimistic about the move in general. My ward (church) family has been so great offering their help with everything from babysitting to packing to moving that I'm not as anxious about it as I was last week and everyday gets better. Plus, knowing that Scott will be home soon makes everything better! ;)

You know it's summer when your child's knees are totally scabbed over! Brennen, being the normal crazy child that he is, has fallen so many times in the past two days that I'm really worried about the next 6 months! Now that the weather has heated up and the shorts are out, I don't think his poor little knees will survive the season. Note to self: stock up on Neosporin!!

It was cute how excited he was to get band-aids put on his knees. He even asked me to take a picture! So here he is showing off his cool band-aids and his cheesy smile. :) And yes, that is his version of a smile, thankfully only for the camera!

Beautiful baby Lindie. Just had to take a pic of her after church on Sunday. "Hi Daddy!"


Pure Images said...

Lindie is so cute!! I love her smile!
