Monday, September 29, 2008


Scott and I are SO excited! We've been waiting and waiting and waiting and finally the season premiere of Amazing Race 13 aired last night! We've been a little addicted to this show since its first season and if you've read our little bio, you'll already know that we so seriously want to compete in this race. But, until then we live vicariously through the players and spend the whole show commenting on how we would've done it, or how we would've figured out the task so much faster, or what task we would choose and who would do what, etc. We'll fully admit we're geeks, but seriously (for those of you have watched us play Settlers of Cattan or Carcassonne), wouldn't we been a totally entertaining couple to watch, a Marine and a Personal Trainer who are both totally stubborn and totally competitive?! ;)

So, after watching the first episode a few of the teams we're rooting for at this point:

Nick and Starr- The Brother & Sister Team. They're already off to a great start by coming in #1! But, like all brothers and sisters, when is the fighting going to start?Aja and Ty- The Long Distance Couple. They just seem really nice and fun, just hope all this time together makes their relationship instead of breaks it!
Kelly and Christy- Best Friends. So, I'm not sure how Scott feels about them, but I love a good all girls team! Plus, they seem really smart!
Ken and Tina- Estranged Couple. He cheated on her and they separated and are now on the show to try and save their marriage. Not sure how I feel about this team. I like the both of them so far, but you can tell she still has some major issues to work out and it should be pretty interesting to see what happens!
Terrance and Sarah- Dating Couple. This is the one team Scott and I are NOT fans of. Sarah is a totally sweet girl, but she's being blind sided by her over-controlling boyfriend who gets butthurt if she doesn't show her 100% devotion to him every second of the day. This will be another couple to watch what happens as the show continues...
And to the first team to be sent home: Anita and Arthur- the Hippie Couple. They were a very interesting team to watch! Not really surprised they came in last, but a little sad to not see more of them. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Status Report

Since Lindie had her one year check-up today I thought I'd share her growth status. She is now 31 inches tall (21 inches @ birth) and 22 pounds (7 lbs @ birth). After looking her all over the Doc said she's perfect and sent us on our way to get shots and blood work, fun stuff. She's a trooper though, cried for a second or two and then just gave me dirty looks. Just in case anyone was wondering about Brennen, he's 38 inches and 33lbs. ;) Thought I'd include some randoms pics from the past week or two. Enjoy!

This is my favorite skirt on her! I just wish this pic was as cute as real-life!
Camo Twins
Having too much fun in our messy office!Brennen's "new" bike that's still alittle too big for him, but that didn't keep him from riding it up and down the sidewalk!Scott just loves to get creative with the stroller, he's done some interesting stuff in the past, but this one takes the cake...(Scott put the front of the stroller over the back steps of the trike and B dragged her for a good 200 feet!) Boy, did we get some amused looks!My Sweet Captain Heartbreaker!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Lindie!!

Our little princess turned one today!! I'm still in denial and can't believe it's been a year! Lindie is the sweetest little thing and we are so happy that she is part of our little family! What a joy and blessing she has been this past year (even through the 5 months of colic and thrush! Ha!). We celebrated her birthday on Saturday with some family and a few friends and Lindie had a great time digging into her cake, opening presents, and playing with some of her little friends. Unfortunately, today, her actual birthday, she got sick and spent most of the day sleeping. Poor thing. Daddy also had to spend all day at work and all night in the field, so we went up and had dinner with him so he could see her on her birthday (especially important since he will be missing the next one). One of the other exciting moments of the weekend: turning her carseat around! Lindie was so happy to finally stretch and kick her little legs freely (as they have gotten quite long) and she didn't stop giggling the whole car trip (about 15 mins!). I really wish I could've recorded her squeals cause it was just too cute!
Great-Grandma Lucy (aka Meme) during LJ's party.
"What do you want me to do again?"
"Umm. Yumm."
"Ok, this is really good and I need a bigger mouth..."
I know she's my daughter cause she went to the Vicky C's bag first! ;)
Dinner with Daddy. Tried to get a cute pic of LJ all day, but this seriously was the best one.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Memory Lane Game

Here's how it works:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Thanks for playing! ;)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Translation Please?

Raising children is definitely a fun experience. They make you laugh, and they make you cry, they make you want more children, and they make you want to get your tubes tied. Right now I go back and forth about every few minutes with these thoughts. For example, Lindie will crawl over to me and wrap her little chubby arms around my neck and snuggle right into my shoulder making my heart just melt and I get all excited about the thought of having another cute little snuggle bug just like her. Then Brennen will run over and ask over and over again for a snack and then have the HUGEST melt down because he decided he didn't want a snack, but he does want a snack, but Daddy has to give it to him, and only Mommy can pull it out of the pantry, and it can't be in that cup it has to be in this one, and only Brennen can touch the cup, and after all that he feeds it to the dog cause he doesn't want it anymore, but asks again in another 5 minutes. AGGHHH!!! Then Lindie starts crying because she realized (after she is thoroughly entertained and distracted by Brennen) that she has been temporarily forgotten and she needs Mommy to pick her up right away or else the whole world will end as she knows it and she'll never ever see Mommy again! And once Mommy has her up off the ground the floor becomes a sea of scary fur that will attack if she is put back down. Which is usually the moment that I wonder what Scott and I are thinking for even entertaining the thought of having more children. Seriously, are we crazy? And then, soon after that thought process goes through my mind Brennen will sneak up on me and try and scare me, busting into a huge fit of laughter because he thinks he is just that funny, and then try tackling me with tickles, hugs, and kisses and yet again make my heart melt, starting the vicious cycle all over again. How can two little people so small drive me so completely insane and make me love them so much the very next second? Amazing.

Well, one of the other fun things Scott and I have been pulling our hair out over is trying to understand Brennen. He's talking up a storm now and he's getting easier to understand each day, but he's still not completely there. Which gets very frustrating on both ends. This evening he kept yelling at Lindie to stay away from his toys and he kept saying "Bay-gel". If Lindie started munching on one of his toy cars he would go grab it, yell "NO! Bay-gel!" then give it to Scott or myself and tell us "Bay-gel no play!". We had no clue what he meant. At first Scott thought he was saying Bagel and asked Brennen if he was hungry. Brennen looked at him weird and got all annoyed. I'm not sure how Scott figured out, but he realized Brennen was saying Baby Girl!! A term Scott and I use all the time to refer to Lindie. Too cute! Now, if we could just figure out the rest...

Thought I'd share some pics from the past week...

The only pic all three were looking at the camera and smiling!Lindie's first time eating grass.Too cool to smile."Mommy promised me food if I smile for the camera!"